Monday, April 12, 2010


Navigating though life in such a technical way is amazing to me. I do not mean to seem like a dinosaur but it is very strange the new way in which we all communicate. My husband and I text around 5 times a day, sometimes when we are in the same house just to avoid yelling up the stairs. I cannot tell you when the last time I wrote more then a grocery list. I did start writing a book but that I did only here on the Mac. It all feels very Orwellian when I actually have time to think about it. I mean yeah, you do get to communicate in a instant but is that really a good thing. Sometimes the thoughts I have change from moment to moment. I am not sure I need some of them recorded in some cyberspace land for all time. traveling round the universe, being picked up by Alien creatures. If so I am not so sure that I want my thoughts to be the representation. Although I guess it would be true. You have to wonder too is all this technology giving us more personality or is that an illusion and it really makes us more the same?

Well, here we go eternity